41 Online
Game Stats
5,594,391 Battles
69,401,946 Items
41 Online
Game Stats
5,594,391 Battles
69,401,946 Items

Support Drakor! Premium Features

Purchase Token Packages

When supporting Drakor. You can buy token packages in the Drakor Store which uses the Secure PayPal API (uses SSL encryption) to protect the buyer's information and selections.

Immediately after your PayPal transaction is successful the token amount is deposited to your account so you can access the premium features right away. with no wait time.

Other ways to obtain Tokens:

Playing the Game

You can also build tokens by playing the game. each level you go up in combat and/or any trade skills will generate 1 premium token for your account.

Opening Treasure Hunting Chests

Chests that drop from the Treasure Hunting tradeskill does have a chance to drop Premium Tokens when you open them.

Completing Offers

In your Profile page if you click the "Current Offers" button we are partnered with a company where you can fill out surveys, install / test mobile apps, etc. And receive Premium Tokens for your time and effort.