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Inscription Shrines

These Shrines are created via patterns of higher level Inscriptionists (51+). Once they are created, a player can drop them in any world area or town area in Drakor. Once they are dropped, they last 5-12 weeks in duration. During the time the Shrine is active in a specific area, Shrine teleports can be created and used to travel directly to that locations shrine.

Inscription Shrines are player tradeable, and to drop a Shrine in a location you do NOT need to be an inscriptionist. only to actually create the Shrine.

Expired Shrines

Once the shrine has expired, a new one must be dropped again for any current or new teleports to be created to that area or currently created teleports can be used that go to the location of where the shrine expired.

Active Shrines

Shrines are shared between all players of Drakor. The list of active shrines is shown below.

Shrine LocationDropped ByExpires
Small Statue by the RiverUnknownPermanent
Temple of OndrikothUnknownPermanent