57 Online
Game Stats
5,502,494 Battles
68,356,412 Items
57 Online
Game Stats
5,502,494 Battles
68,356,412 Items

Drakor Release History

October 04, 2024

Release v3.5 (this release requires a browser refresh)

Happy 10th Birthday to Drakor! (Oct 6th)!
- Global Perks will be loaded up over the next week, I truly appreciate all of the current, past and future players who play and support the game! It's crazy how this small/fun side project turned into a game that has been played by 1,000s of players over the last 10+ years.

Vetira City / Myrkr Mountain & Xu'lei Temple
- Level 161-185 Content has been released
- Level 185-200 Content will be released shortly after (Xu'lei Temple)
- 20+ new areas to explore
- Many new monsters, patterns and materials to collect and create

General Updates
- Drakor World Map has been increased to include the new areas.
- New Emperor Castle kit has been created for the level 200 Estates
- Added another General World Treasure Hunting Node!
- Level Cap increased to 200.
- Guild Member max increased from 26 to 30
- Beginner "Bonus" Exp increased to first 50 levels. for Gathering Trades, Pattern Trades and Combat!
- Fixed data displaying in Battles / Items popups at top of Screen
- Moved current chat moderators up on the Credits page
- Freezing Node Token costs have been decreased for all levels of node freezing

October 9th, 2024
- Hire Offline Workers action added to new Vetira City area.
- Fixed Tinker's Union sort order in manual for new location in "The Anvil"
- The Two new Working Trades (Patterns) areas have been fixed and you can now combine patterns in the new locations
- Fixed some issues around dropping Elder Ritual Shrines and creating Direct Teleports to that location ** Thanks to Jaize for the QA finding the bug, testing and fix validation!

June 05, 2024

Database Upgrade

- Needing to upgrade my Server OS the Database had to be upgraded first. This happened and I had a few issues upgrading, it caused 2 hours downtime of the game but no data was lost from player progress, etc.
- Fixed Guild Activity Page

June 6, 2024
- Fixed Emailing from the Server (Forgot password, re-send verification link, new player registration)
- Fixed some other code warnings to be compatible with the new database version.

July 27, 2024
- Global Perks have been permanently upgraded. CR/DR and Double Exp have increased from 80% chance to 100%, -25% Timer has been increased to -50% Timer! Also the cost/price of these perks have not been increased.

July 30, 2024
- Time Reduction limit cap increased from 50% to 65%, will evaluate if this needs further adjusting.

August 6, 2024
- All Drakor Nodes have been increased in size by 50% (Max collection, battles, etc.)

April 01, 2022

Release v3.342/1

Quality of Life Update
- You can now search by multiple items in the tradeskill materials filter you just need to add commas between your search items.
- Example: quartz,ore,apple will filter all items with those terms in them.
- Added a Copy Search Filter to Clipboard button on the Pattern view (under the Material list). to be used in the new multi-item filter

June 27, 2022
- Released new Monthly Promotion system. Details can be found in the store for prizes, rewards, etc.
- The New promotion system will run Automatically (Automated) the first day of every month and give out tokens/rewards/prizes/etc. for everyone who met the thresholds for the previous month.
- Currently players can win multiple times in the Monthly Token draws. This might be changed in the future to help distribute more winners.
- Added new [Free Pet Token] and [Free Premium Profile] tokens into the game, these are given out in the Monthly promotions.
- I will be running promos manually to catch up from August 2021.
- I've also updated the second step patterns from the current world event to be max level 160 from the current 130.

July 21, 2022
- Added the ability to filter out bound or unbound (tradeable) items in the Sell All Feature

Sept 7, 2022
- Tweaked some other email settings and hopefully email verification and re-verification emails won't be blocked or lost anymore.

Jan 10, 2023
- SSL certificate has been updated and fixed. the automated job to update the certificate failed and caused the site to have "un-safe" warnings in browsers on Jan 10th. this has been fixed.

May 29, 2023
- Player 2 Player trading tweaks. Added a card item drop down limit of 3,000. Removed the sorting of items. This will dramatically speed up p2p trading. but any players with over 3k cards in inventory, will not be able to find/trade some items. Trade Materials/gold are not impacted for p2p trading. I will need to redesign p2p trading to accommodate unlimited inventory, as some players have many many items. =)
August 21, 2023
- Lowered limit in p2p item list to 1,000. Still getting complaints for slow loading. Will see if this improved. Also added more configuration to the database settings to hopefully improve performance. This only impacts players that have 10,000+ items/cards.
February 13, 2024
- Updated all World Event Patterns to be levels 1-160, increased a lot of them from a max of 130.

December 17, 2021

Release v3.341

Quality of Life Updates
- Added the Find another Creature button on the Defeat combat screen
- Added the QTY you have of an item on the Material detail popup.

Feb 4, 2022
- Auto-sell prices were increased from 20% of NPC price to 75%. Starting today with Valentine's day event.

October 22, 2021

Release v3.34

Multiple Characters! - Enable/Disable Character Feature
- Added a new feature players can disable their character (it will log you off) but then log back in and be able to create a new character from scratch.
- You can create a maximum of 3 characters.
- You can only have 1 character active at a time.
- disabling a character does NOT delete it. You can re-enable that character again without any issues.
- This feature allows new and old players alike to experience the game from the beginning again without the need for any intervention from tech support.
- You can find this feature on the My Acount screen

October 25 2021
- Added "Furball" Animated Pet from the Oct-Dec 2019 promotion. Given out to all who qualified as well added to the Drakor Store.

April 08, 2021

Release v3.331 (this release requires a full browser refresh)

General Updates
- Added in a new feature that when you click on the "you have un-read mail" reminder links they will all disappear from your chat display.

May 12, 2021
Bug Fix: Changed how player trading works, when you add a 2nd amount of the same material (gold or material) into a player trade, the 2nd quantity is the new quantity you wish to trade, it no longer "adds onto" the quantity you had already added.

June 4, 2021
Update: The Sell All feature now has a max limit of 750 items sold at a time. There were a few issues of players selling 1,000s of items at a time which caused an error and for Players to not receive the gold.

February 07, 2021

Release v3.33 (this release requires a full browser refresh)

General Updates
- Updated all game actions to re-try when receiving any error from the server. This should fix the issue with sporadic stuck 100% timers.

February 14, 2021
- Updated so all "easy difficulty" daily quests created that are level 30 or under are now collection/combine daily quests. no more CR or DR or Specific Location/Material quests.
February 19, 2021
- I've extended the Valentine's day event for an extra day. Good luck!
February 20, 2021
- updated sorting for when multiple combat nodes are in a location. they now display Easiest to Hardest. In order.
March 30, 2021
- Found a performance issue with one of the related Equipment Inventory database tables. All actions around your inventory should be much faster to load now, (loading inventory page, sell all, disenchanting, etc.)
April 2, 2021
- I have re-written the Database query that loads your Equipment Inventory pages (Inventory Page). It has been optimized, even players with 10s of thousands of items will have their inventory load much much faster now.

July 18, 2020

Release v3.32 (Note: This release requires a full browser refresh.)

Tradeskills Screen
- Tradeskills Screen now moved to the Overlay Window
- Opening the Tradeskills screen now doesn't interupt any working actions that are currently getting performed
- Added a Skill drop down filter on the Treadeskill page.
- Updated the UI a bit. makes the trades page easier to look at.
- Added "Event Items" to the new drop down filter on the Tradeskills inventory page

Fixed Bug: A few buttons when exploring drakor and exiting pattern trades were pointing to the old tradeskill location.
Fixed Bug: Unlock/Destroy item options when viewing items was missing with the new Tradeskill overlay.
July 19, 2020:
Fixed Bug: Moved the World Map area info tooltip to the bottom left corner, as it was causing problems traveling to Frozen Peaks.
Fixed Bug: Fixed Pagination, Enter key on search (submits form), and the sort order on the tradeskills page now works all together with the Have Mats check box and any search filtering applied.
Update: New players now start with 5,000 gold instead of 500. Any current players with less than 2,000 gold have been increased to 5,000.
July 20, 2020:
Added: Creature Bestiary added to the Manual for Creatures level 101-160.
August 19, 2020:
Added: New Premium "Night Time" profile theme created from the April - June 2020 promo. All players who qualified have been given the new theme.
August 23, 2020:
Added: New 'Cotton Cloudy' pet has been released from Apr/June Promo as well added to the Drakor Store for anyone who missed the promo.
August 24, 2020:
Fixed Bug: Fixed Animated Pet display issue on Premium Armory Pages. (they didn't align correctly with other pet types)
August 25, 2020:
Update: Changed Cotton Cloudy's Drop Type buff to increase Common drops instead of Superior
November 21, 2020
Update: Changed the Disenchanting Item list to sort by Quality then Level.
December 10, 2020
Update: All World Event items have been increased to max level 160.
December 17, 2020
Update: updated dismiss of 10 min inactivity warnings, now clicking on one will dismiss all active messages.

July 05, 2020

Release v3.31 (Note: This release requires a full browser refresh.)

Estates Update
- Fortress has been increased from level 60 to 70.
- Castle has been increased from level 80 to 100.
- Fortified Castle has been increased from level 110 to 130.
- Supreme Castle has been released with a level of 160.
- All Players who had the 3 top tiered Estates have had their buffs increased to the new level ranges.
- Updated the Estates Page to display all available future upgrades a player has.

Fixed Bug: Normal World Combat (over level 30) will not scale similar to dungeon bosses anymore.
Update: Increased Elite & Hard difficulty max/min thresholds a bit.
Update: All Combat Timers have been reduced from 12 seconds to 6 seconds.
Fixed Bug: Equipment Compare wasn't displaying any "missing" (displayed all in red) attributes on the item you were viewing. this is now working again.
Fixed Bug: Fixed Tokens link when viewing your own Armory Page
Fixed Bug: Fixed "Current Offers" link to pop out to a new tab/window on the My Account Page
Update: With Combat Timers reduced. The gold drop amounts from battles have been dropped a bit. The totals will still result in a BOOST to combat gold drops per session.

July 6, 2020:
Fixed Bug: New Enchanting orb created Cloud Orb. (There were Pure Orb x2) All Enchanting patterns 131-160 updated to use Cloud Orbs
Added: New Level 131-160 Ring Pattern added to the Rings make the world go around quest-line.
Added: New "Mystical Cache" Treasure Hunting node, this node is the 4th permanent TH node and will have 2-3x more charges than regular nodes.
Update: All Keys (131-160) have been linked to the new Chests for 131-160.
July 8, 2020:
Fixed Bug: Wyvern and Witik Markings now belong in their corresponding Inscription patterns. There was some duplication across both level ranges.
Added: Added Guild Bank and Hire Offline Worker actions in the new Logging Camp in the 131-160 expansion.
Added: 'Shoddy Tent City' area north of the Logging Camp. This also has Player Market, NPC Vendor, Tinker's Union, World Bank
July 9, 2020:
Update: Frozen nodes base costs have been updated.
Levels 1-70 now are all the same (lowest price),
Levels 71-130 prices have been lowered slightly.
Levels 131-160 are slightly higher and also guild nodes have been increases slightly.
July 10, 2020:
Fixed Bug: When you are over the Dungeon Bosses max level. The Boss will max out their level instead of randomizing their level.

July 04, 2020

Release v3.30 (Note: This release requires a full browser refresh.)

Isildian Forest & Arborel Plains
- New Content for Levels 131-160 Added
- New Areas/Creatures/Drops/etc Created
- Level Maximum Increased from 130 to 160
- Trade Materials and Patterns for 131-160 added for all Trade-skills
- New Creatures and Hunting areas to Conquer
- To Celebrate the Launch, I will enable some global perks for everyone.
- 22 New World Locations to Explore
- New Teleport: Quick Shrine, works the same as direct shrine but is 50% quicker

Dungeons v2.0
- Dungeon bosses has had their level ranges increased.
- Characters over level 30 no longer see bosses with "capped" equipment/battle strategy values
- Bosses now increase in difficulty over level 30 and beyond.
- When your over the Dungeon Bosses max level, their level is Maxed instead of Random
- New "Highest Boss Level" value on Dungeon progress page of your armory to show the highest level of that boss you defeated.

General Updates
- World Map now grows to fit the overlay window with minimum width/height values
- Adjusted the Item/Equipment display styles a bit. Made the Cards display a bit wider than normal.
- There is a new button when displaying Equipment, you click the "Split" button and it shows the Base stats on the item, the Augment Stats and the Enchant Stats all broken down into separate details. You can click the same button (Full) to combine them back for the display view.
- All Treasure Hunting Nodes raised to 160 Max Level
- All World Event Combat nodes raised to 160 Max Level
- Added some extra options for Frozen Node duration: 2/3/12 Hours & 4 Days
- Added a "Last Level Up" Field for Leader-boards. This will show exact timestamp when the person leveled up at their current level. Will help to order the correct leader-board order when players Max out their levels and for "World First" lists.
- Added a "Have Mats" checkbox on the Trade-skill Pattern display screen. If you check this off and hit search, it will hide any patterns that you do not have the materials for right now. It also shows "X patterns hidden from view..." messaging on each page to let you know how many patterns have been hidden because you do not currently have the materials. Hitting the X or just un-checking the box and hitting search again will display the full list again.

Fixed Bug: Gradient Player Titles now display correctly on Players Armory Pages.
Update: Changed the new Silver common drop in Mining to "Dark Silver" as Silver already existed.

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