54 Online
Game Stats
5,684,118 Battles
70,449,320 Items
54 Online
Game Stats
5,684,118 Battles
70,449,320 Items

Drakor Release History

August 06, 2015

Ninja Patch

- Added Trade Inventory link on Masteries page. Now you can review your Trade Inventory without stopping your active trade.

Fixed Bug: Masteries page was displaying incorrectly when you had multiple level 40 trades with the same exp into level.

July 23, 2015

Ninja Patch

- Fixed Pet Exp (Adjusted the Levelling Exp requirement) I've Adjusted the current exp to where it should be now.
- Updating Smithing, Crafting and Jewelcrafting Patterns to Max out at Level 40. (instead of 39)

July 21, 2015

Ninja Patch

- Added ability to de-activate your active pet. (Pet Page) This stops it from randomly talking in chat and removes it from your inventory (Pet Slot)

July 03, 2015

Ninja Patch

- Added Flying Pig "Pet Chat". Now if you have the Flying Pig as your active pet it can talk in chat.
- Given out the promo titles to anyone who has already hit thresholds in the current token promotion.
- Tweaked a Few Area Descriptions.

June 25, 2015

v2.54 BETA (open)

Drakor Pets System
- New Pet Released (Quest Reward).
- Added the Option to give a Pet as a Quest Reward
- Now when Pets level their buff goes up 3% down from 5% per level.

New Player Quest Tutorital
- Added a New Player Tutorial Quest to Danof. This helps with basic combat fundamentals and basic trade skills information.

Quest System
- Now quest rewards can include Trade Materials

World Content
- Fixed/Tweaked a bunch of Area Descriptions (Thanks to Hiems for suggesting the improvements, More still remaining)

June 16, 2015

v2.532 BETA (open)

Missed out on the Promotion?
The Baby Fire Drake (First Pet in Game) has been added to the Drakor Store for purchase.

June 08, 2015

v2.531 BETA (open)

General Update
- Moved the Pets Screen to the Overlay Window, instead of the Main UI
- Increased the Player-to-Player inactivity filter to 60 mins from 30 mins. (a player will need to move or be active within 60 mins to show up in the trading window)
- Added the Server Date/Time to the Game Stats tab.
- Now Pet Chat is not linked to World Chat. You can disable world chat and have "pets" enabled in the chat options and still see the various Pet actions and chat.

Fixed Bug: The Drakor Mailbox wasn't turning red and giving notifications after receiving new in-game mail auto-magically.

June 06, 2015

v2.53 BETA (open)

Drakor Pets System
- Added the Base Framework for the new Pets system.
- Added the First Pet "Baby Fire Drake" into the game.
- Given the pet to players who met the $99+ token promotion in the April/May to get early access to the first released pet in game. (Thank you for your support of the game!!)
- Pets can be fed every 18hrs. (with any one of their preferred foods), feeding your pet will grant you a buff, the buff changes by pet.
- Everytime your pet is fed, it will gain exp and over time go up levels. Increasing it's buff reward.
- Some pets might randomly talk or perform actions in chat. (this chat is considered "pet" in the chat filter, if you don't want to see them.)
- Only your "Active" pet shows up in your Pet Inventory Slot and only Active pets can possibly Talk. If it's a talking Pet that is.
- I will be announcing the first 5 set of pets some from the pet idea thread in the forums.
- Some pets will be able to be "named" by the owner.
- Some Pets will be for specific tradeskills.
- Pets do NOT take up inventory slots.

General Updates
- Removed the link to Offline Battle Strategy Temporarily for the Pets Menu Item
- Added in Ability for Mods to outright Ban Players and un-Ban if needed as well. Banning will lock the players account and also boot them off the game if they are logged in.

Fixed Bug: Now after Disenchanting an Item it will show the exp % currently into level. It was disappearing after the DE was completed.

May 08, 2015

v2.52 BETA (open)

Player-2-Player Trading
- The Trading area now opens in the main Game UI instead of the overlay window. This allows for continued chat and interaction between the two trading players.
- Tweaked some logic in the trading to not allow for a few weird scenarios to happen while trading.
- Changed the Material Listing to be Alphabetical. Let me know if this works better and I'll change the sorting for Guild and World Banks as well. Or I'll change it back if it's not an improvement.

Drakor Rules: Updated the Trade Channel Messaging Guidelines.

May 12, 2015:
Fixed Bug: Level 40 Guild Nodes weren't depleting.
May 25, 2015:
Fixed Bug: Guild Nodes were still gaining Exp @ Level 40 and above. It should have been capped like everything else.
Content Add: Added a World Bank to the Small House in the Tree (The Grey Woods)
May 29, 2015:
Fixed Typo: Player Market was still saying you would lose 50% of your listing price if you buy back your listing. It's actually only 10%.

April 16, 2015

v2.51 BETA (open)

High Contrast Chat Update
- Ability to enable high contrast chat in the My Account page for vision impaired/color blind players.
- This feature will evolve over time to see other game features in high contrast.

Fixed Bug: Tweaked the Guild and Main Forum (Viewing Threads) styling a bit.

Ninja Patch: (May 1st):
The Deranged Bunnies Hunting area has been updated to only have a couple bunnies per spawn. They will come back in force next Easter!

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