60 Online
Game Stats
5,683,164 Battles
70,438,316 Items
60 Online
Game Stats
5,683,164 Battles
70,438,316 Items

Drakor Release History

April 13, 2015

v2.50 BETA (open)

Chat System Update
- You can now filter your chat down to a more granular level
- Now when you have a user blocked, you will not see any /me posts or other related chat messages about the user.
- When you click the Options button and the Chat Options are already opened. It'll work as a close button.
- You can't block Chat Mods any more.
- Trade Messaging Rule of Thumb is now set to 1 similar message per 30 mins (but you are allow to post different messages buying/selling different items from other messages)

Main Forum & Guild Forum
- You can now Edit your own replies to threads.

April 15, 2015
Fixed Bug: Collection Trades (and Disenchanting) now fail the correct %. Also DE doesn't fail any more.
Fixed Bug: When resizing the browser window to mobile size (then toggle chat on) and then maximize browser one menu wasn't reappearing.

April 09, 2015

v2.49 BETA (open)

Drakor is Responsive! (Mobile & Tablet Optimized)
- Play on any Device for a great Game Play Experience.
- First Phase of making Drakor fully Mobile & Tablet Optimized. This will be an evolving task. But the game should now work nicely on mobile phones (landscape orientation) and tablets (either orientation)!
- This is preperation to start looking at getting Drakor into the mobile gaming market and in-turn to grow the playerbase.
- You can disable the mobile version of the game (so you only see the full-screen desktop version in the My Account page)
- Did a full overhaul of the interface to allow for a nice Responsive Design
- Report any issues so they can be fixed.

- Moved the Leave/Disband Guild Button to only show at the bottom right corner of the Guild Roster section.

World Travelling
- Now when you travel it won't scroll you back up once the new location is loaded. This allows for more streamlined travel.

Easter Event
- All Collection Trades (All Easter Eggs, Easter Grass, Essence of Easter & Hickory Logs) have all been removed and will not drop any more.
- The Rabbit Hole Quick Travel area and Quest Turn-ins will stay available into next week. So players can still turn those items in and/or kill the deranged bunnies.

April 10, 2015
Fixed Bug: now chat won't fade away when trying to post chat on a mobile phone.
Fixed Bug: when opening the guild window, the menu-bar would shudder slightly.
Fixed Bug: Add Crafting Rings into the game. Before you weren't able to create any crafting trade rings.
Fixed Bug: Timestamps now show back up on the Guild Activity and Chat History Pages

April 02, 2015

v2.48 BETA (open)

Easter Event
Friends, adventurers, tradespeople, lend us your rabbit ears. Easter has come to Drakor and the hunt is on! Grab your basket and build up your egg collection. Battle deranged killer bunnies. Poke your head down the rabbit hole. Your Easter experience is bound to lead you to glory!
- Easter Basket & Egg Hunt Quest-line
- Deranged Killer Bunnies Quest-line
- Rabbit Hole Portals Questline
- Help each other out! Actively Trade Your Easter Eggs
- 2 Player Titles available to obtain from the various quests & tasks!

New Spring Token Promotion
- Promotion Runs from April 1st - May 31st.
- New Titles available as well as an opportunity to obtain the first ever Drakor Interactive "Pet" in the game!
(Pet is still in development, It will be ready by the end of the Promo or earlier.)

Guilds Section
- Moved Leave/Disband Guild Button to the bottom Right of the Guild Overlay Screen
- Added a Chat History Section where you can review the last few days of Guild Chat History. (History is kept approx 5-7 days)
- Combined the Recruitment and Apps sections into single Recruiting Section. You can now see the current Pending apps under the current recruitment message.
- Added Settlement Section to review Guild Node Status, Level Range, etc, and also Trade Combine Totals (That will be used in Guild Masteries) from each Guild Trade Room.

Guild Bank & World Bank & Trading
- Banks Withdrawal and Deposit Drop downs now show "Food Name (Buff Type)" instead of just the Food Name
- This was also updated in the Player-to-Player Trading Drop-down.

Premium Option: Selflessly Gift Tokens
- Gifting Tokens: You are now allowed to Gift Tokens to other players. Only Purchased Tokens are available to be Gifted.
- This will be monitored and if overly used, caps will be implemented/added.
- This option is found at the bottom of the Drakor Store Page.

Fixed Bug: Now you are required to add at least 1 quantity for Trade Materials to show in your Offer.
Fixed Bug: Now when you have World Chat disabled. You will still receive whispers.
Fixed Bug: Now when you Teleport to Poi past the Golem for entrance to the Grey Woods you can now unlock the passage from either side.
Fixed Bug: Combat Nodes will respawn within a similar duration as Collection Nodes now.
Fixed Bug: Created/Updated/Replied to Forum Threads with a ' in the title would show \' in chat.
Fixed Bug: Now when viewing other Players Armory Page it shows their own food/perk buff instead of your own.
April 3, 2015: Fixed Bug: When turning in a quest with a full inventory, it would consume your quest materials and fail the turn in.

March 29, 2015

v2.47 BETA (open)

Player-2-Player Trades
- Added ability to remove items from Your Offer (prior to it being confirmed)

- Added % of Node Remaining to the blue bar while working collection nodes.

March 28, 2015

v2.46 BETA (open)

Player-2-Player Trading
- Ability to trade items, trade materials, gold and so on directly with other players.
- Both players need to be in the same area to start and complete a trade.
- Trades Expire after 15mins of starting one. (or when cancelled)
- You can't trade with players that are from the same household or playing from the same location. (to minimize abuse)
- All successful trades are logged/saved if any issues should come up.

World Bank & Guild Bank
- Now display Rings similar to Player Inventory. Displaying the Trade Type instead of just "Ring" on the Icon.
- Changed the Display of Guild Banks to show Items ontop and Materials below (grouped by tradeskill) Spanning full width now instead of 2 columns.
- Now Ancient Research Trade Materials show up with correct color coding.
- Changed Guild Bank Trade Materials to sort by Tradeskill > Quality > Min Level > Max Level > Name
- Now Food Icon Labels display the type of food (ie> Drop Rate, Create Rate, etc) instead of just "Food".

World Market
- Now when you purchase items back from yourself, the penalty has been lowered from 50% to 10% of listing price.

General Changes & Tweaks
- Now working Pattern or Collection Trades that "History" box has a max height and will provide a scroll bar, instead of scrolling down the screen after combining a lot of patterns or collecting for a long period of time.
- Now when viewing the pattern list for a material. You can click on the Pattern Name to see the pattern description.
- Guilds can now review/see ALL of the guild activity since the guild has been created. (paging system added to the bottom of activity page)
- Each Guild Activity Page has 100 entries on it.

March 13, 2015

v2.45 BETA (open)

Flaxen Fields & Barrier Range (Content Release North of Poi)
- Released New Flaxen Fields & Barrier Range Areas
- Increased Max Level to 40 in Combat & Trade Skills
- Added 30-39 Patterns in Smithing, Cooking, Jewelcrafting, Enchanting, Construction & Alchemy .
- Added 26-40 Inscription Patterns
- Added new 30+ Collection nodes for all Trades
- Added various new materials, created materials and more.

Trade skill Tools
Tools have been added to the game. The Tool patterns consist of items from various trades to promote working together from the various tradeskill players. This is just further expanding on the already detailed Trade skill system that Drakor has currently.

- Added Tools into the Game, Extra "Tool" Inventory Slot added.
- A large majority of Tools are -Timer Reduction Bonuses (Based on Quality), Create Rate, Drop Rate & Double Exp.
- Tools can be made with various trades and provide various different buffs once they are equipped.
- Tools do not break, Tool Bonuses only work for their displayed level-ranges similar to how rings work.
- To work trades you need to have a Tool or a Basic Tool Set equipped. (Bonuses work if the node is within the range of your tool.)
- You can purchase a Basic Tool Set from the NPC vendor for 1 medal. (if you lose or sell the one you have provided)
- Everyone has been given a loot bag with 1 basic tool set in it.

Tool Patterns
Logging - Added Copper, Tin, Iron, Cobalt, Chromium, Bloodstone & Iridium Logging Axes
Smithing - Added Copper, Tin, Iron, Cobalt, Chromium, Bloodstone & Iridium Smithing Hammers
Cooking - Added Clay (Light, Medium, Hard), Fire Clay (Light,Medium,Hard) & Koalinite (Light,Medium) Cooking Bowls
Fishing - Added Birch, Cedar, Aspen & Sharkwood Fishing Rods
Construction - Added Birch, Cedar, Pine & Hemlock Mallets
Mining - Added Copper, Tin, Iron, Cobalt, Chromium, Bloodstone & Iridium Mining Picks
Crafting - Added Copper, Tin, Iron, Cobalt, Chromium, Bloodstone & Iridium Acid-Etched Crafting Knives
Gathering - Added Goldenbush, Pixieroot, Gorethistle, Moonbeard, Ladyslipper & Vilegourd Gloves.
Enchanting - Added Copper, Tin, Iron, Cobalt, Chromium, Bloodstone & Iridium Enchanted Sceptres
Disenchanting - Added Copper, Tin, Iron, Cobalt, Chromium, Bloodstone & Iridium Wands
Inscription - Added Basic, Primitive, Aged & Pristine Reference Books
Ancient Research - Added Copper, Tin, Iron, Cobalt, Chromium, Bloodstone & Iridium Shovels
Jewelcrafting - Added Acid Etched Copper, Tin, Iron, Cobalt, Chromium, Bloodstone & Iridium Hammers
Alchemy - Added Cursed Copper, Tin, Iron, Cobalt, Chromium, Bloodstone & Iridium Staffs.

New Tradeskill: Crafting
- Added Various Patterns from level 1-40
- Crafting will be used to create items that are used with tool patterns.
- Crafting also has patterns to create actual tools for multiple trades.
- Crafting Uses Materials from Mining, Gathering & more.

New Dungeon: Troll Encampment
- Found in Trehos Forrest for Combat Levels 25-28
- 3 Bosses, including the ferocious General Pomorm

Global Perks
- Added the Option to Purchase a 1hr or 2hr Buff for each Global Perk. Per day.
- Timer Reduction Tools STACK with the Global Perk Timer Reduction. (They get added together)

Guild Settlements
- Added Quest Task to the Guild Blacksmith Questline to build a Guild Crafting Hut.
- Added Construction Pattern for Crafting Hut

General Updates
- Newly crafted Items display "Crafted by " on the item now. Instead of just "Crafted" like on old items.
- Now when opening Trade Material Info on the right side of the Masteries page it will now adjust the information box according to stay on the main screen.. (It won't create a scroll bar to the right.)
- Added New 30-39 Iridium Ring pattern to the Jewelcrafting Ring Quest line
- Added New step to the "Addicted to Ore!" quest line for levels 25-30. (Bloodstone)
- Added New step to the "Facts about Teleportation" Quest line
- Added 'Pet Slot' to Equipment Inventory Screen for future development.
- Changed Support Drakor menu option to be Drakor Store
- Drakor Store Token Packages are in Canadian Dollars. Take advantage of a low Canadian Dollar to USD.
- Added New Quest Task in the World Market Quest.
- Added another step to further increase your World Bank Membership (Personal Bank) Quest.
- Added Guild Bank Storage upgrade options for 10 more guild slots with [Hemlock Container]s
- Streamlined the Footer Information on the Website.
- Rings in your Inventory now show the Trade the Ring is used in instead of just labelled "Ring"

Durability Runes & Scrolls
- Now Durability Runes & Scrolls of any level can be used on lower level items and the item required character level has been removed.

- Lessened the Materials Needed for Huge Gems

Enchanting & Disenchanting
- Increased Drop Amounts for Disenchanting
- Lessened requirements on Orb Patterns in Enchanting

Inscription & Ancient Research
- Level range increased from 15-26 & 26-40
- Fail Rate has been lowered a bit for Ancient Research. It's still higher than other collection trades.
- Significantly decreased the cast times for any newly created Teleport scrolls!
- Added New Teleport Pattern to teleport to your Guild Settlement. (Can be purchased in Inscription Library in the Guild Settlement)

Chat Moderation
- Now when a player is muted in chat, and try to create a new player/member. They will also be muted automatically.
- Moderators now have access to sticky & lock forum threads
- Now When Players are muted in chat. They will now have their access to the forums removed (post/reply access) and will only be able to read.

Fixed Bug: Now if an area in the Manual's Collection/Combat Area listing is located on a none-world map, it will display on the new map, instead of displaying just black.
Fixed Bug: Fixed small Javascript error that was happening when opening the overlay window. didn't affect any gameplay
Fixed Bug: If a player left a guild while working in a guild-only node, it would still let you continue to collect there. Now it boots you out of the settlement when you leave.

March 14, 2015
Fixed Bug: Bonuses from Tools were not being applied correctly.
Fixed Bug: Now reading a Guild MoTD (non-officers) from the guild menu shows the actual MoTD.
Gathering: Increased Drop Rates a bit for [Cotton], [Horsetail] & [Liontail]

March 15, 2015
Given Out 5 Free Inventory slots to Everyone. Now New Players start with a total of 45.
Fixed Bug: Non-guilded players were not getting the correct amount of EXP in pattern-trades.
Fixed Bug: 2 Acid-etched Hammer Patterns didn't have handles in them. Now they do =)

March 16, 2015
Increased Drop Rate for most [Common] Collection Materials to align with the latest patch.

March 21, 2015
Fixed Bug: The game was allowing players to continue to train other trades while having a different tool equipped ie> Mining with a Fishing Rod. Now it requires you to have the correct tool equipped or have a "basic tool set" equipped to properly work the trade.

February 14, 2015

v2.41 BETA (open)

Guild Evolving Nodes
- Now rings will only work if the material dropped from the guild-only node is within the equipped Ring level range.
- This was updated as guild nodes can range 1-X and would make any ring able to work for any material with how rings work on normal world nodes.

Fixed Bug: Now guilds will be able to accept applicants over the level 20 old maximum. It was failing on the 2nd accept after the member was accepted.
Fixed Bug: Now in the Manual the Guild-only nodes show the correct Level Range if you are in a guild. Otherwise it shows level 1-1.
Fixed Bug: Guild Only Nodes if multiple players were collecting it was allowing some players to continue collecting from a depleted node.

Feb 19th, 2015
Fixed Bug: Guild nodes that were over level 9, were not acting appropriately when trying to select a min & max level range.
Fixed Bug: Where Guild chat wouldn't show up if World Chat was turned off. Guild chat will show up regardless of which other channels are turned off now.

March 4th, 2015
Chat Update: Chat now updates immediately following a player sending a chat message. Thus removing the perceived chat lag after sending the message.

February 13, 2015

v2.4 BETA (open)

Guild Updates & Settlements
- Guild Maximum Member count has been increased to 26 up from 20.
- Guild Keys have been added to the game. Guild Leaders can complete some Guild Actions/Quests to unlock/create Guild Areas.
- Your Guild Key Listings can be seen in Quest Logs > Your Keys
- Guild Quests can now be displayed / viewed in Quest Logs > Guild Quest Log
- All Guild Purchases will come from the Guild Gold Coffers (Where players donate gold to their guild)
- Now guilds can purchase land in-between Poi (northwest of Poi) and Drimly.
- You need to clear your land prior to building on it.
- You can build your Guild Hall on the newly cleared land, then add wings onto the guild halls and add in specialized areas for each Tradeskill.

General Wing
- Cooking Hall
- Bank Area - Access your guild bank
- NPC Vendor / World Bank / World Market
Workers Wing
- Blacksmith
- Workshop
- Jewel Room
Arcane Wing
- Alchemist Lab
- Inscription Library
- Enchanting Study

Guild Masteries (part 1 of 2)
- The more you work in these built wings/trade rooms. It currently saves how much you have worked in these rooms.
- These Masteries will give guild members small bonuses for using the guild areas to work their trades.
- Stay tuned for when Guild Masteries are put into the game. Currently it does save all of your related work data and bonuses will be provided retroactive.

Developing Guild Land
- Guilds can also purchase extra land plots that have a Mine, Fishing, Logging, Gathering Fields & Ancient Ruins.
- These areas will have a guild-only node on them that will "evolve" the more it is used, Which will increase the potential levels of materials received from it.
- There is a max # of materials received per spawn from these "guild-only" nodes.
- Guild Nodes now also display a Guild Node Exp progress bar and will announce in guild chat when a Guild Node goes up a level.
- Currently Players for example gathering at a guild node level 1-10 but only has level 5 gathering, will only receive materials for level 1-5 from the node.
- you can now specify the level range of materials you want from the guild node. (capped at your actual trade level)

Construction Tradeskill
- Added many various patterns to construction for Guild Settlement Buildings, Rooms and more.

General Updates
- Added "Leaderboards" Menu item and changed the "Armory" button to point directly to your Armory Page. To make it more self-explanatory
- Increased Leaderboard Lists from top 50 to top 100, also when you are logged in your Character & Guild will show up with a green highlight around them in the Top 100 listings.
- Combat Timers lowered from 20 secs to 12 secs
- All Travel Timers that were previously 10 secs and 5 secs have been updated to 6 secs.
- New Premium Feature, "Hide Login Message" option. Purchase this option and it enables a toggle checkbox on your My Account page to show or hide your " has logged in.." message from chat.
- Now the # Online, # Battles & # Items data at the top of the screen updates automatically every few mins. Instead of having to refresh or click on it to update the numbers.
- Hemlock has been moved to level 26-40 Logging
- Tradeskill Pattern Names now show up in green if you have the materials for at least 1 combine. (in both Buy & Your Patterns)
- Added Valentine's Day Logo.

Low Level Tradeskill Training
- Low level Patterns now give 30% (up from 20%) of their original exp any pattern 3xp or more (lowered from 5xp) now give exp
- Low Level Collection Nodes now give -1exp of the regular. ie> common = 0 exp, superior = 1xp, rare = 2xp, etc...

Mastery Update
- Collection Masteries have been lowered.
Level 1 = 0 - 749 (old) > 0 - 499 (new)
Level 2 = 750 - 1499 (old) > 500 - 999 (new)
Level 3 = 1500 - 2999 (old) > 1000 - 1999 (new)
Level 4 = 3000 - 5999 (old) > 2000 - 3999 (new)
Level 5 = 6000+ > 4000+ (new)

- Pattern Masteries have been lowered:
Patterns that give 2 exp or less
- Level 2 : 700 combines > 500 combines (new)
- Level 3 : 1,400 combines > 1,000 combines (new)
- Level 4 : 2,800 combines > 2,000 combines (new)
- Level 5 : 5,600 combines > 4,000 combines (new)
Patterns that give 3 exp - 6 exp
- Level 2 : 500 combines > 350 combines (new)
- Level 3 : 1,000 combines > 700 combines (new)
- Level 4 : 2,000 combines > 1,400 combines (new)
- Level 5 : 4,000 combines > 2,800 combines (new)
Patterns that give 7 exp - 14 exp
- Level 2 : 300 combines > 200 combines (new)
- Level 3 : 600 combines > 400 combines (new)
- Level 4 : 1,200 combines > 800 combines (new)
- Level 5 : 2,400 combines > 1,600 combines (new)
Patterns that give 15 exp+
- Level 2 : 200 combines > 125 combines (new)
- Level 3 : 400 combines > 250 combines (new)
- Level 4 : 800 combines > 500 combines (new)
- Level 5 : 1,600 combines > 1,000 combines (new)

Mini-Map Update
- Now when you enter some Towns, Dungeons, Settlements, the Mini-map goes to a different map which zooms in for that area. It no longer only uses the World Map all of the time.
- Added a "Featured Area" on world map, it's a larger blue dot with green dot in the middle. This signifies an area that you can access a zoomed in map area.
- Tweaked the Roads to be a little more visible, tweaked the colors, added orange
- Now when you mouseover a dot on the mini-map you get a full list of players in that area and the area name to the right of the mini-map
- Added Toggle Details button next to View World Map. This will hide the dots & roads from the mini-map. To bring them back, click the toggle link again.

Depleted Nodes
- Now display the approx time remaining before the node re-spawns.

Fixed Bug: When a player was muted in chat. The Drakor Rules link in the muted message did not work.
Fixed Bug: When viewing Armory Profiles when logged out, it was displaying an error.

January 17, 2015

v2.36 BETA (open)

NPC Medal Redemption Stores
- All NPC Vendor sites now have an area to redeem in-game medals for in-game loot.
- You can redeem medals for Equipment, Battle Abilities, Enchants, Augments, Rings, Runes & Food.
- The more specific your purchase. The more medals it costs. You can obtain medals by voting daily for drakor and/or referring players to the game. (Every level your referral goes up, you get 1 medal)

- Added the next Quest Line step and ring pattern into the game (Bloodstone Rings)

- Added next Quest step to the "Addicted to Ore" quest line.

New Promotion
- Added a New Year Promotion to the Drakor Store (Support Drakor Page). Obtain some New Titles by supporting the game between January 1st and March 31st.
- Drakor Purchases are now grouped by year. Found in the My Account > Drakor Store Purchases

Ninja Patch: January 31st, 2015
- Added in New Jewelcrafting Graphic when working JC.

January 13, 2015

v2.35 BETA (open)

Guild Message of the Day
- Officers & Guild Leaders can now set the Guild Message of the Day. Every time a Guild Member will login to the game. You will see the Guild Message of the Day (if it's not blank) under the Drakor Message of the Day.
- You can also see both Message of the Day(s) at any time with the /motd chat command.

- Decreased all Disenchanting Timers by 6 seconds.

Loot Page
- Now after you fight multiple battles and build up your loot bags. I've added an "Open All Loot" button that shows if you have unopened loot bags. Instead of having to open one at a time.

Multiple Battle/Combat Flow
- After completing a battle, now you are also given the option to "Find Another Creature"...which goes directly back into the battle timer to start the next battle.

Voting & Player Referral Rewards System (Part 1 of 2)
- Added in Medals into the Game.
- Medal counts and some details around how to obtain medals is located on the My Account page.

Drakor Rules
- Now when you click on the Drakor Rules link (above the chat box) it opens into the larger overlay window and not a small popup tooltip. Making them easier to read.

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