57 Online
Game Stats
5,502,494 Battles
68,356,412 Items
57 Online
Game Stats
5,502,494 Battles
68,356,412 Items

Drakor Release History

January 10, 2017

Release v2.92

One Inventory to Rule them All
- I have combined your equipment and trade inventory slots together.
- No more need to allocate empty slots back and forth between trade or equipment.
- The system now will use your empty slots with whatever tasks you are doing (patterns, combat, etc.)

Fixed Bug: Purchasing on the World Market was causing a brief bug, it has been fixed.

January 14, 2017
New: Now when viewing Trade Materials it displays if the item is an EVENT ITEM and NO AUTO SELL tags as well if it's used in World Event Tasks.
Note: NO AUTO SELL means it will not be auto-sold by the system when the Holiday Event Start and End date are completed. (I'm still working on tagging all of the items that won't be auto sold)

January 17, 2017
New: Added new page (Holidays & Event Item List) to the Manual. Gives full details of all of the current Drakor Holidays (Start and End Dates) and also the Full Event Item Listings with information on all Event Items.

January 02, 2017

Ninja Patch

World Events Update:
- Task-level EP Rewards: I've updated world events to have the ability to set EP value rewards for each task, (harder tasks will give more EP reward to the players over easier tasks) . I've adjusted all current tasks in the recently finished holiday event and retroactively adjusted everyone's rewards.
- Event Completion In-Game Mail: Now you only get one in-game mail regardless of how many tasks you contributed too. (it details all of your task-level rewards in one mail now)
NEW: Reindeer Mount added to Event Point Vendor

December 23, 2016

Release v2.91

Happy Holidays to all Adventurers in Drakor!!!

World Events

- Drakor's First World Event 'Save the Reindeer' has been launched for the Holidays
- Completing World Event Tasks give players a new currency in the game called "Event Points"
- You can use event points to purchase specialty items, pets, mounts and more at the Event Vendor
- All Players in the World can contribute to World Events and work together as a collective team.
- World Event Progress/Tasks can be seen by clicking the new "Events" menu item (next to Quests)
- 50% of reward points are given out when a Task is completed the other 50% for all tasks is given out when the Event is completed.
- I will be adding the Events Vendor in the near future, all event points are saved accordingly.
Dec 24 Update: Now when giving in materials, the drop down list is reversed so the max amount you have in inventory is at the top.

General Updates
- All Travel times for all areas have been regulated to 6 secs. No more sporadic 12, 15, 20sec travel times.
- Updated the Peppermint Bark Quest-line to now require [Fresh Water] and [Ground Spices] as the old material are used in another event during the year.
- Now when displaying patterns, you can now click on the materials in the list to see details on the materials.
Dec 24 Update: You can now specify which event items you wish to ignore (instead of just ignoring all event items) by clicking the new Event Drops link when working a collection trade.
Dec 24 Update: Santa is back for 2016 Presents. Go visit him before he's gone.

Drakor Store
- 2 Holiday Token Specials have been added to the Store for a limited time.

Fixed Typo: When combining two tools with Tinkering, it was saying successfully combined two rings (instead of tools)
Fixed Typos: Fixed a few typos in the Manual and in some game location text (that were reported in the forum)
Update: [Coal] now drops from levels 1-70 as it's an event item
Fixed Bug: Now on the Token Purchase list (from profile page) it includes any purchases from Stripe

December 25, 2016

Update: Added your Balance of Event Points to the My Account page. It's displayed under your Medals balance. (Event points go to one decimal point)
December 28, 2016
New: Added Event Points Gained to the Leaderboards (above the Estates listing)
Update: Fixed the formatting of the Events Task listing on the World Events page (they should align correctly now)
New: Added some Player Titles to the Event Point Vendor (More things coming soon)
New: Added Event Point Usage logs on the My Account Page
December 29, 2016
Fixed Bug: The world event combat node was allowing players who used the "continue hunting" button to by-pass depleted nodes and continue combat. (all combat stats for the world event were reset back to 0 to allow for fair advantage for all players)
New: Added "Dreadsteed" mount to the Drakor Store (it was picked by billome in the Aug/Sept promo!)

December 01, 2016

Release v2.901

Pet from Aug-Sept Promo Released - Pet Rock! (Picked by Alec)
- Everyone who met the threshold in the promo has been gifted the pet rock. Enjoy!
- The Pet Rock has also been added to the Drakor Store if you missed out on the Promo
- I apologize for the delay on getting this out.
- New Title "Inmate #(unique number per player)" given out from the Aug-Sept promo for everyone who met the threshold.

October - November Promotion Update
- Given out everyone's [Pet Naming Token]s
- Winners have been picked, details in the forum.

New Winter Promotion added to Store!
All players with $24+ USD spent between December 1st - January 31st, 2017 will receive the Mount OR Pet that was chosen!!
All players with $19+ USD spent between December 1st - January 31st, 2017 will also receive the Player Title selected from Ballot Winner #5!
All players with $79+ USD spent between December 1st - January 31st, 2017 will also pick a Unique Custom Title.

BONUS: Every $24+ USD Spent during the promo period will give you a [Pet Naming Token], each token will have the ability to name a pet or mount of your choosing. (1 use per token, tokens will be tradeable/giftable.)

DRAW DETAILS: Every $19 USD spent between December 1st - January 31st, 2017 will get you one ballot in the draw.
First Ballot Drawn Gets to chooose a Mount OR Pet to be designed into the game.

2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th Ballots Drawn will win 200 tokens or a custom pet (Winner gets the pet only, it will be added to the store).
6th Ballot Drawn will select the Player Title to be given out to Everyone who qualifies.

November 19, 2016

Release v2.90

Tinker's Union v2.1
- You can now also combine Tools like you can combine Rings to make larger level ranges for Tools
- Now if you Tinker an extended level tool or ring the level range stays with the newly tinkered item.
- Tools and Rings can now be combined until they are level 1-70 in range for a single tool/ring.
- Rings and Tools that have no Names now display "Item : Ring" and or related tool type in the drop down and not TBD.
- Now Combined Rings and Tools have the type of "Tinker Combined"
- The Combined Ring or Tool now displays under the success message

General Updates
- Purchasing Rings from the NPC Vendor will now result in the rings having names of "Ring of {Tradeskill}" instead of no name.
- You can now un-equip rings and tools from your ring pouch and tool belt (will update to be able to un-equip equipment in a later release)

Fixed Bug: When selecting the top drop down item in the new Tinkering Combine screen "Select a Tool/Ring" it doesn't cause an error anymore.
Fixed Bug: Sometimes the level ranges of rings wouldn't allow you to combine them. Now all ranges as long as there is no level gap will allow to be combined.

November 20, 2016:
New: Added New Area in Gallion Plains (with Hunting Node 60-67 (Hard))
November 22, 2016:
New: The online listing now displays players "total level" instead of just combat level.
Fixed Bug: The Features page was causing an error when trying to Load another 5 Items.

November 17, 2016

Release v2.89

Tinker's Union v2.0
- Tinkering Union can now combine 2 of your rings together for "larger level ranges"
- depending on the level of the ring that you are combining and how many levels you are expanding the range, The cost is in gold, medals and tokens (for higher levels).
- Also when combining different qualities of rings together, you will see details on % chance of which effect stays on the combined ring and other details.
- Rings can now be combined until they are level 1-70 in range for a single ring.
- When combining 2 Player Trade-able rings together, the combined ring is still trade-able / sell-able to other players.

Note: Tools are going to be also released for this feature in the near future. Currently you can only combine Rings.

October 20, 2016

Ninja Patch

Drakor Mail
- Now when you block players, they will not be able to in-game mail you.
- Now you will not be able to in-game mail any characters who haven't been active on the game in 6 months. (makes the drop down of users more manageable)

Fall Promotion Details!
All players with $24+ USD spent between October 1st - November 30th, 2016 will receive the Mount OR Pet that was chosen!!
All players with $19+ USD spent between October 1st - November 30th, 2016 will also receive the Player Title selected from Ballot Winner #5!
All players with $79+ USD spent between October 1st - November 30th, 2016 will also pick a Unique Custom Title.

BONUS: Every $24+ USD Spent during the promo period will give you a [Pet Naming Token], each token will have the ability to name a pet or mount of your choosing. (1 use per token, tokens will be tradeable/giftable.)

DRAW DETAILS: Every $19 USD spent between October 1st - November 30th, 2016 will get you one ballot in the draw.
➤ First Ballot Drawn Gets to chooose a Mount OR Pet to be designed into the game.
➤ 2nd AND 3rd Ballots Drawn will win 300 tokens or a custom pet (Winner gets the pet only, it will be added to the store).
➤ 4th Ballot Drawn will select the Player Title to be given out to Everyone who qualifies.

October 26, 2016
Halloween Event Re-launched
- Halloween Pet and more available in the Halloween Event that re-launched from last year Oct 26th.

October 29, 2016
Fixed Bug:
now all actual event items are tagged Event Item in the Drop Tables within the manual
Fixed Bug: The Drakor Rules link in the MOTD has been fixed.
New: Hammerhead Shark Pet added to the Drakor Store
New: Any online game staff now show up at the top of the online list. It also shows their rank (Chat Moderator, etc)

November 1, 2016
Accessibility: Now on the Inventory Screen, Battle Abilities, Teleports and Durability Scrolls/Runes have a Title tag that shows remaining durability. This will allow for improved game play with screen readers.

October 01, 2016

Release v2.881

Ring Pouches & Tool Belts
- Both now display on the screen when working Pattern or Collection Trades. (refresh required)
- This allows you to quickly and easily check if you have the correct tool or ring equipped when working patterns or collection trades.
- If you don't have any Rings equipped into your Ring Pouch it just display "No Rings Equipped"

New Pet Fiamma Gatto Added to Drakor Store
- Fiamma Gatto pet chosen from the June/July Promo 2nd prize winner Shady.

Drakor Store Confirmation Prompts
- There is now confirmation prompts when purchasing any features, pets, mounts, titles from the Drakor Store.

Fixed Bug: NPC Vendor now displays items for sale related to your current level instead of displaying Level 0.

October 2, 2016
New: You can now click on the Ring Pouch and Tool belt again to close it, if it's open instead of having to click the associated X. Similar functionality to items. (requires refresh)

October 3, 2016

Fixed Bug: Global Perks purchases have been fixed. I accidentally broke the purchase flow when adding confirmation prompts to the Drakor Store.

October 5, 2016

Drakor Birthday Event has been relaunched from last year.
- Other Holiday Quests / Drops have been started to migrate to the new system. Easter/Holidays are now not available for turn in until those Holidays come back around in a few months.
- Will look at adding a small addition to the Birthday Event for veteran players in the next couple days.
New: Quest Logs now show if the quest is related to an event, and the date range for when that event is active.

October 6, 2016
Fixed Bug: Now event items don't drop anymore if the event is not active. (Easter Eggs, etc..)

October 9, 2016
New: Quests in the quest log now display the Event date range in green if the Event is currently active. It displays in Yellow if the Event isn't currently active.

September 29, 2016

Release v2.88

Blue Winged Stork Pet
- I haven't been around too much over the past week. My family was busy welcoming our newest family member into the world. Our new baby boy was born last Friday Sept 23rd.
- In celebration of the new baby. All players who login to Drakor and type "/claim stork" in chat between the dates of Sept 23rd and Oct 23rd will be gifted the Blue Winged Stork pet for free. Enjoy Everyone!
- Future years between Sept 23rd and Oct 23rd new players will also be able to celebrate the baby's birthday by being able to also claim the pet during that time each year (1 stork per player)

September 30, 2016
Expanded Error Handling
- I've added in more logging around system / game errors and tracking of those errors. Players will not see actual code errors in game play now. The errors will be automatically tracked and a friendly message will be shown to the players.
New - Drakor Mail - Now there are links to toggle checks in the check-boxes of all Read or UnRead Drakor Mail (Requires Refresh)
Fixed Bug: Graph Reports in the Guild Pages now show the correct Rank #s in listing. (instead of all 1s)

September 20, 2016

Release v2.87

24hr Chat History
- Located at the top of the chat box, you can now review the most recent 24hr worth of chat history (requires refresh)
- Chat is grouped by channel and whispers
- Chat shows first 500 lines of chat (starting 24hrs from the time you click the link) and then you can click "load more" to show the next 500 lines.

New: Your active mount icon now displays when working collection and pattern trades (requires refresh), if you don't have an active mount it displays an empty Mount Icon. Similar to the buff icon functionality.

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