58 Online
Game Stats
5,683,164 Battles
70,438,316 Items
58 Online
Game Stats
5,683,164 Battles
70,438,316 Items

Drakor Release History

October 25, 2014

v2.071 BETA (open)

Chat System Update
- Now when linking items in chat, it adds a link code to the chat msg, allowing you to add a message with your link. Link items in whispers or any chat channels. Also allows you to link multiple items per chat line.
- This fixes players misclicking link and spamming chat. Players can just delete the link code in the chat msg after misclick
- If you notice the items don't get parsed into links. You linked too many. =) max per chat line is around 3 or 4. (I strip out the links if the chat msg is too long to store in the DB)

Enchanting: Tweaked Enchanting Patterns, as they were requiring too little materials after I buffed drop #s for DE. It was not intended to be able to DE an enchant and be able to create another one from only the materials from that DE into an endless cycle.

Fixed bug: Officers were unable to create / reply to topics in the guild forum.

October 24, 2014

2.07 BETA (open)

- Guilds now track how much gold is donated to the guild by member. You can see this displayed in the guild roster. (not on the guild armory page though)

- Construction: Added the Cedar Building Wall, Cedar Building Roof, Small Cedar Building patterns
- Cooking: Removed the Required Level on Food. (Changed to Food Level) Any level character can eat any level food now.
- Alchemy: [Extract Midnight Oil] [Extract Goldenbush Oil] both patterns had their exp level range increased from 1-3 to 1-5

- Added 2nd collection phase for World Market Vendor space upgrading.

- Added Some Pumpkins for upcoming Halloween! =) Trick or Treat?
- Now after you purchase Features in the Drakor Store with Tokens (The balance shown at the top now updates dynamically)

October 23, 2014

v2.06 BETA (open)

Guild Storage/Bank
- Added the Guild Storage System
- Also added Guild Gold Storage. This gold can only be deposited and used for guild buildings/upgrades/etc. You will not be able to remove/withdraw the gold in your guild coffer.
- Created a Birch Guild Container (upto 10 total slots), Construction Pattern, Created a Red Cedar Guild Container, Construction Pattern (upto 20 total slots)
- any guild member can donate containers to the Guild Storage (which increases the storage max)
- Added permissions to be able to withdraw from a guild bank Member or higher Rank (Recruits can deposit into guild bank, but not remove from)
- Deposits & Withdrawals now get announced in guild chat and also logs the action in the guild activity log.

Help Manual

- Added FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) Section
- Added a Getting Started section to the top
- Put all of the Tradeskill Collection Drop Tables together with a mini-menu
- Tweaked the look & Feel a bit

Quests & Tradeskills
- Added 3rd Level of Bank Membership into World Bank Questline
- Added 3rd Collection Task for the Addicted to Ore (Mining) Questline
- Added Various Construction Patterns to accommodate the Bank quest and Guild Storage systems

Chat System

- Added basic Profanity Filter to Chat. Replaces words and auto alerts Admin. Do not abuse this please. All public chat channels in the game are PG rating & NO Profanity as we have some young players.

Drakor Store
- Added the Ability to Purchase more World Bank Slots with Tokens. (you need to have at least obtain a Bank Membership (first part of questline), or it will not allow you to purchase more slots)

Guilds Page
- Moved the Leave/Disband Guild button to the right side of the guild screen.
- Added the Guild's gold amount from it's coffers

October 19, 2014

v2.05 BETA (open)

Support Drakor Today!

Drakor Store now OPEN
- You can now buy token packages and use your tokens to unlock
- more shared inventory space
- increase the inactivity timer
- unlock more character slots
- enable option to hide your battle strategy on your armory page
- much more is planned.
- Added a Limited Time Offer Package to celebrate the launch of the Store

Combat System
- increased the size of the use and pass quick menu buttons.

Fixed Bug: The Total Battles # onload was incorrect and not including the Elite Battles. This now works as intended.
Fixed Bug: When you click to list the Items Generated, it now will update the total number at the top. similar to battles.
Fixed Bug: When clicking on a players name at the bottom of the chat box, it would show below and you'd have to scroll. It will now display above the name if it's close to the bottom.

October 21, 2014: mini-patch
Fixed Bug: Medium & Hard Battles (In Arena or World battles) had a guaranteed minimum item quality drop. The guaranteed loot was only ever dropping the set min quality. never higher. This now works as intended and is a "minimum" quality with chances to drop higher qualities.

October 14, 2014

v2.04 BETA (open)

Disenchanting Buffed/Tweaked
- Enchants are now able to be Disenchanted.
- The drops for higher quality items that are DE'd have been increased. All Materials dropped are random.
- Common Items = 1-2 materials
- Superior Items = 2-3 materials
- Rare Items = 3-5 materials
- Epic Items = 4-7 materials
- Legendary Items = 5-9 materials
- This now makes the higher level items that you DE guaranteed to drop more materials than the current formula. This will also help generate more EXP so Disenchanting doesn't take as long to level. It will still be a hard skill to level up though, which is always what I have intended disenchanting to be.

Combat / Battle Loot
- Now when you click the "View/Open Loot" button after victory or defeat. The Button will disappear so you do not click it again to cause a loot opening error. (this needs a refresh to work if you are logged in)

User Experience
- Enlarged the width of the "Currently Online" Listing

October 16, 2014: mini-patch
- A Rural World Bank Branch has opened up in the Mud Hut for all players who hold a membership, this adds another location where you can access your stored bank items.

October 12, 2014

v2.03 BETA (open)

Chat System
- Added /me command so you can perform actions in chat. syntax: /me your msg (/me actions posts to your default channel)
- /me command is color coded to the channel your action was displayed in. (matches the channel color)
- Changed Color to Support Chat as it was bright red, changed to Orange.

World Collection Trade Nodes
- Collection Nodes now show their level range and not just Minimum Level+.

Game Experience
- Added another responsive website size for screen resolutions higher than 1550px in width

Fixed Bug: Where Quest Log was only showing one quest finished as "red" background. Now whatever quests you have finished will show correctly with the background color as red.
Fixed Bug: Screen resolutions around 1400px would display a scrollbar at the bottom of the screen. It now should scale accordingly. no scroll bar on the bottom of the screen.

October 13, 2014: mini-patch
Fixed Bug: Fixed 2 bugs in the Arena Battles around Hard and especially Elite battles. a coding mistype was making them easier than intended.

October 11, 2014

v2.02 BETA (open)

Guild Management
- Added the ability for the Guild Leader to Disband the guild. (When they leave the guild) to get around this, you need to promote another member to GL and then demote yourself and then leave the guild being an officer or lower.
- Added the ability to kick members out of your guild (access Officer+) (In Roster, demote the player to "Kick from Guild")
- Added the tracking of Guild EXP Gains by Guild Member
- Kicked, Promoted, Demoted changes to Players now announces in guild chat and records in the guild activity log.
- Set a Maximum Guild Member count to 20
- Made leaving a guild a little more user-friendly. It didn't give a message before.

Quest Log
- Quests that you have completed all of the available steps. The Headers now show in red to distinguish them.

Chat System
- Chat links for Drakor now can be added into chat and will show in the overlay window ie> Manual, and Forum links.

October 08, 2014

v2.01 BETA (open)

Chat System Update
- Added a Block User List Feature. In chat click on a players name and click "Block" to block them in all chat channels. You can unblock people from your chat by going into Chat Options (Options Link at top of Chat Box) and clicking on their name in the list. This will remove them from your Blocked list.
- Added a Guild Recruitment Channel (One guild recruitment message per hour per guild in the chat channel please!)
- Added/Fixed a few Chat commands /c = common / world chat, /t = trade, /r = recruitment, /s = support, /g = guild.

Arena Battles
- Arena battles no longer drop Gold. Only EXP and Loot, to farm gold adventure the world.
- Tweaked gold drops down from Battles, as it would get fairly large in higher levels.

General User Experience
- Added a Back to Adventure button when you finish World Combat
- Added a Back to Arena button when finishing an Arena Battle.
- Nerfed Items "Sall Value" a bit.
- Capped EXP generation at higher levels, so players don't level too easily/quickly.

October 9, 2014: mini-patch
Fixed Bug: Elite Battle Difficulty was flawed and making some of their battles easier than "Hard" difficulty. this has been fixed.
- Also increased the Elite Battle Ratings Range from 9-12 to 9-13.
- Tweaked Low Level Battle Gold Drops. some scenarios were making world battles drop 0 gold.

October 06, 2014

v2.0 BETA (open)

Drakor is now in OPEN BETA!

Everyone Welcome! No Beta Keys needed!

All Closed Beta Characters have been wiped.

No further data wipes!

Character & Trade Skills Max Level Set to 20 (up from 10)

Daily Dungeon System

- Dungeon System has been created.
- Bosses are difficult opponents to fight. but they have custom Loot tables of Rare or higher item drops.
- If there are trade nodes in an area where a boss monster is "alive" it disables those nodes until you kill the boss.
- Players can run dungeons Daily.
After you beat the first boss in a dungeon you then have 24hrs from the kill to complete the dungeon. After 24hrs the Dungeon will reset and you will need to start over. This also allows you to farm your gear through dungeons. Each Boss has a unique strategy and difficulty setting.
- Level 3-5 Dungeon "The Water Caves" dungeon has been released. (2 bosses)
- Level 6-8 "Kersay Church" dungeon has been released. (2 bosses)
- Level 9-11 "Feuern Sie Turm" (@Withering Peak dungeon) has been released. (4 bosses)
- Level 12-13 "Underground Bunker" (@Grey Woods dungeon) has been released (2 bosses)
- Level 14-15 "Catacombs" (@Grey Woods dungeon) has been released (2 bosses)

- If you log off inside a Dungeon and log back in and your Key to that area has expired, it will boot you out to a "safe location"
- When you mouse over purple dots on the mini-map it now shows the Area as a Dungeon instead of just a plain "Area".


- Improved Disenchanting Interface, now after an item is Disenchanted, it displays other available disenchants in your inventory with direct disenchant links. Improves user experience and flow for Disenchanting multiple items in a row.

2 New Trade Skills : Ancient Research & Inscription
Ancient Research
- This Collection Trade, will send you across the world searching out ancient settlements and runes of past civilization. You will gather relics, runes, scrolls and rare books to further your knowledge and gather materials to be used in the trade of Inscription.
- This trade is more time consuming than the regular collection trades and has a higher "fail" rate and the nodes are not as easy to find. But the powerful & valuable scrolls and rituals you'll be able to create in Inscription will be well worth it.

Inscription (Still in Development)

- This trade you will master the arts of Scroll Making, creating powerful spells such as Teleport Spells, Minor Durability Scrolls, enhancements to Battle Abilities and more.

Trade Skills General
- Added Sort Buttons to the Trade Skills page. Which sort Ascending and Descending Pattern orders by their required level.
- Added the Timer Duration to be displayed on all Patterns.
- Tweaked Fishing Drop Table
- When combining Patterns it now shows the Level Range at the top of the screen similar to collection trades (mining, etc.)
- [Salt] now drops from Fishing instead of Gathering
- Lowered Collection Trade Skill EXP (Mining, Fishing, Gathering, Logging, Ancient Research & Disenchanting)
- Increased Drop Rates for All Gems in Mining
- Increased the Gold Price to learn most of the Trades
- Added functionality to Trade Patterns, almost all of the Rare patterns (some Superior) now have a chance to create Epic / Legendary quality items as well. Happy Crafting! (Same drop rates as during combat)
- Smithing, Enchanting, Cooking, Jewelcrafting, Construction & Alchemy Patterns have been added for Levels 11-20

World Bank Membership
- 2nd Tier Membership Quest has been added to the World Bank (and the Patterns added to Construction)

World Market Update
- Added a Current Listings Section, where you can see your current Market listings and sell them directly to NPCs.
- Limited your Listings on the Market to start at 5 listings. (you can list as many of one material and only take 1 slot)
- Added first Market Vendor Upgrade Quest (To increase your default max listings available)
- If you buy back your own Market Listing you lose 50% of the listing price. If it doesn't sell, sell it directly to the NPC.
- Added Exit buttons to the Market
- Now it shows which Player purchased your Market Listing in your in-game message for Market Sales.

World Content Release
- Level 11 - 20 Content has been released. The Grey Woods have been opened. (North of Small Mud Hut)
- Added Quest to kill River Orc Outpost Guards and General, to retrieve the Key to the Kersay Church (Dungeon)
- Added Large Quest-line to Feuern Sie Turm (Withering Peak Dungeon), for Access and completion of the Dungeon.
- Added Quest to gain access into the Grey Woods.
- Added Quest to gain access to the Catacombs dungeon in the Grey Woods

Combat / Battles
- Tweaked Battle & Opponent generation a bit.
- Lowered Item Drop #s for Arena and World Battles (medium+ difficulty, still drop guaranteed quality items)
- When you are Defeated, there is a chance for a consolation prize to drop in any battle now.
- Increased Required Exp per Combat Level from 80 exp per level to 100 exp per level. To be similar to Trade Skills.
- Added your character and your opponents Equipment and Strategy Ratings to the Battle Screen.
- Arena & World Battles now have set opponent rating ranges. Added new "Elite" Rating which is highest difficulty now. (for normal non-dungeon battles). Now if you are over geared and fighting "Easy" battles they will be easier but the EXP reward will be scaled with how much higher you are than your opponent. Loot rewards get better with the higher difficulty rating.
- The Battles still "scale" to your rating, to make the battles more "fair" but there are caps and minimums to each difficulty.
- Easy = (0 - 3.0 Ratings)
- Medium = (3 - 6 Ratings)
- Hard = (6 - 9 Ratings)
- Elite = (9 - 12 Ratings)

- Increased the General Inactivity Timer to 40mins (up from 20mins) before it logs you out automatically
- Added Last Active, Ancient Research and Inscription to the Armory Leaderboards.
- Nearby Players Window: Now it lists players that are in areas that aren't actively shown on the map.
- Mini-map will now also display players (blue dots) that are not in an area that is actively shown on the map.
- Added Placeholder slots for Ring & Trinket on the Character Equipment display (Inventory Page)
- Added Dungeons to the Game Features Page.
- Nerfed NPC Vendor Purchased Prices
- Tweaked Look & Feel of the Total Battles / Items Generated Details at the top of the screen.
- It now shows the gold amount to repair an item next to the "Anvil" when viewing a broken item.
- Updated all of the Screenshots on the Main Login Page. They were very outdated on the old Beta Sign-up Page.
- Added a Message of the Day Feature, I will post news & information there. It only shows once in chat after you logged in. it will not display again if you reload your character. You can force the message to show in chat with the /motd command
- Added a Quest Log, Dungeon Progress Log & Your Keys located next to Offline Strategy button.
- Quest Log displays all of the Quests in the game, and where they start.
- Quests now show a "recommended level" to start that quest, Quest log is now sorted by recommended level.
- Once you start completing tasks, more details are displayed in the quest log.

Chat System

- Chat System has had the text reversed. New text now shows up at the bottom of the screen and is read top to bottom.
- The Chat System will also tell if you are scrolled up reading previous text, it will NOT scroll you down when it is refreshed unless you are only scrolled up a bit. Makes it more user friendly for re-reading any old chat you might have missed when you were AFK. (instead of bumping you down to the bottom every few seconds on chat refresh)
- Removed ability to change your chat color now that there are more channels to choose from.
- Now when you switch the Chat drop down (to select a channel) it saves your setting and will carry through logginf off and back on. If you leave your drop down on guild chat. Your default channel will now be guild chat until changed.
- Added Trade and Support Chat channels.
- Added Chat Channel Filter in the Chat Options (located at top of Chat Box)

Game Manual
- Added Dungeon System, Shared Inventory, Trade skill & Hunting Nodes sections to Manual, tweaked other sections.
- Fixed Interface for Overlay window on Tablet / small screen resolutions so the game manual menu is fully visible.
- Added Information around Ancient Research and Inscription in the Game Manual
- Added Drop Table for the Ancient Research trade.
- Limited the viewing of the drop table lists (upto current max level 20) once I release more content and increase the max level more items will be displayed in these tables auto-magically.

Fixed Bug: When in the middle of Traveling and pressing "Explore the World". Would cause an error message to come up as it wouldn't stop the initial timer.
Fixed Bug: Trade skill Leader boards were only showing 40 instead of 50 for the Top 50.
Fixed Bug: Combat Bug that sometimes would cleanse (visually) the incorrect amount of Curses/Buffs off your buff bar (leaving a gap / empty buff slot when a new curse was added. (the damage was calculating correct) it was a display issue.
Fixed Bug: in some Hard battle scenarios the check inventory sometimes would still allow a loot bag with too many items to drop.
Fixed Bug: When removing or adding Trade Materials into your World Bank account, if your inventory or bank slots were full it wouldn't add onto a material that is already present in your inventory or bank account.
Fixed Bug: Where Pattern Type Trade skills could grant EXP above the currently set Maximum Level.

Patch: October 7, 2014
- Now Depleted Nodes show up in the area as "Depleted" so new players know where the node is set to respawn, but it doesn't show the time it's set to respawn. To get familiar with the "areas" where nodes are.
- Player Armory Profiles now display their Dungeon Boss Kill Progress (First and Last Kills)

September 14, 2014

v1.7 BETA (closed)

World Banking
- Players will now be able to open accounts at the World Bank
- You can store items and trade materials there.
- Talk to the Danof Banker located at the World Bank in Danof north of the Trades Area for more information and to start the quest!

Trade Skills
- Copper Nails, Iron Nails Patterns now create 10 nails for every Iron or Copper bar.
- Added Premium Smelting "Thick Copper Bar", "Thick Tin Bar", "Thick Iron Bar" these will be used in higher quality patterns.
- Added Multiple Rare Copper and Tin based Patterns. (L1-10)
- Added Patterns for building quest items related to World Banking (Players can also sell these after they are created to players who don't have Construction as a Trade, in the Player Market)
- Added more patterns to Construction as well, some lumber milling, etc.
- Added a few more Patterns
- Slightly Increased drop rate for Salt, as it's used extensively.
- Added a Mystic Orb Pattern (Epic), which will allow you to start creating highly sought after Epic Enchants.
- Added Epic Helm Enchant Pattern L1-5, Added Random Epic Enchant Pattern L5-10
- Added Various Rare and Superior Enchant Patterns (Ranging L1-10)
- Added Epic Huge Gem & Augment Patterns L1-10
- Added Various other Patterns L1-10
- Added various Superior, Rare and Epic Patterns L1-10

Questing System
- The questing system can now reward World Bank Slots, World Market slots, Rare Patterns that you can't purchase as rewards.

- Text Editor / Forums / Etc: Added the Common, Superior, Rare, Epic & Legendary text colors to the Text Editor.

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